It's a BOY!
With my son Elliot, we decided to wait and be surprised to find out if he was a girl or a boy. This time, we thought we'd mix it up and go ahead and find out. I think part of my desire to know came from the fact that I was soooo sick my first trimester that I just needed to start thinking of this growing belly as a baby with a gender and name. It has been fun watching Elliot (my 5 year old) talk to my belly. He tells _____ (keeping the name a surprise) how much he loves him and that he can't wait for him to be here. I really did not think I wanted a girl, but I will admit I got a little chocked up when the doc said, "It's another boy!". I was like, "Can you just double check that?". This is definitely our last child, so I'll be the only female in the house for many years to come....maybe until I take on the role as mother-in-law who comes to live with her son? Anyways, I am so excited for Elliot to have a brother. Chris also wanted another boy (only because he said he would be too scared and worried about protecting a girl). They both really wanted a boy. As cliche as it sounds, I just hope for a happy and healthy baby. 8 weeks to go...